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Berkeley / Los Angeles / Ireland

For Your World

by Ward Stothers

For your world, God
Who is ever climbing out of your boat of rest,
Dog paddling away for invisible shores.

For Your world,
Carved outside in ardent bloom
Inside with your gifted image.

For the world
Of waste, discard, and murder
Discouraging the purposes you created for us,
To sing and shout hallelujahs over—
For the lost ones, Lord,
In a five billion peopled mosh pit
Of elbows needing wings—

Spread your resting ways,
Create a change, once more, for peace, in the Gaza Strip
Where Israeli and Palestinian military are lobbing shells
That are killing civilians in both their towns.

Use us who yearn for justice, and your glory;
Save, dear God, and we will know
It was your heaven scent, again—
Once more:
Your walk on water
Your touch of earth
Your love and breath,
Your wellspring of life—
For your world, Lord.

Copyright © 2004 Ward Stothers